Bad Credit Mortgage

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If you’ve set your heart on a house and are turned down for a mortgage because of a bad credit history, it can feel like the end of the world. But one rejection needn’t be the end of your dream of home ownership – don’t despair.

We can help you even if you’ve had a few missed credit card payments, a County Court Judgement or are currently in a Debt Management Plan. We work with every lender across the mortgage market. We know which lenders specialise in offering products that are tailored to customers who have current or past bad credit.

The mortgage products available are exactly the same as standard mortgage products. The main difference is simply the way they are assessed; some lenders do not credit score and instead manually assess each application individually. This allows the lender to take into consideration unexpected life events which may have caused the bad credit. For example, redundancy, business failure, divorce. Sometimes, just plain bad luck.

As a mortgage is secured against your home, it could be repossessed if you do not keep up the mortgage repayments.